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January 21, 2004

'It is time to legalise ball-tampering in cricket.' So wrote Sir Richard Hadlee in the first paragraph of his weekly column for Auckland's Sunday Star Times almost a decade ago.

'I can already hear the gasps from the game's conservatives, but I am deadly serious.

'As long as the bowlers or fielders use whatever means they have on their persons, I don't see anything wrong with it. I'm talking about the use of a fingernail to scratch the ball, not bottle tops or those sort of things.'

Do you believe Hadlee was right? Should ball-tampering be legalised?

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Number of User Comments: 37

Sub: Lealising of ball tamering.

Soft game cricket should not allow to tamper the ball !


Sub: h!

No not any more

Posted by arvind

Sub: Ball_tampering

It should not be encoraged,It must be procecuted

Posted by hevin rajesh

Sub: Ball tampering !

Ball tampering should not be allowed at any cost. Its pathetic that soem great cricketers support this!

Posted by Ajit Khadd

Sub: ball tempering

yes ofcourse ball tempering has to be legalise now india has some new youngster who can definetely make reverse swing & other country who has ...

Posted by huseinali


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