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5 Issues

 Name: renu
Place: US
Age: 29
Date: Wed Apr 14 05:37:18 2004
2)Education for all people
3)create more job approtuntiy for all kid of people
4)house for all
5)water to all places

 Name: M.C.Gupta
Place: Hyderabad
Age: 79
Date: Wed Apr 14 06:06:17 2004
1)Population Control
2)Disinvestment Programme
3)Completion of all Highway Projects
4)Tax benefits for senior & retired citizens
5)Dada & Dadi Bonds

 Name: M.C.Gupta
Place: Hyderabad
Age: 79
Date: Wed Apr 14 06:07:25 2004
1)Population Control
2)Disinvestment Programme
3)Completion of all highwayHighway Projects
4)Tax benefits for senior & retired citizens
5)Dada & Dadi Bonds

 Name: rohan bongale
Place: belgaum
Age: 18
Date: Wed Apr 14 13:40:36 2004
1)people in india are fools running behind congress,bjp,lokshaba etc .the politicians say that they will do this&that and after they get voted they do not turn back and if they do something they do some roads etc.the main problem in our country is corruption a common man undergoes many problems in goverment offices and police india is at the stage where people work only for money and theses politicians give to the people money and take votes from them.

 Name: madhavi
Place: mumbai
Age: 30
Date: Wed Apr 14 15:26:42 2004
1)Drinking Water for everyone
2)Education for all
3)Food and shelter for everyone
5)Employment across all the levels

 Name: Russel Aziz
Place: Kolkata
Age: 15
Date: Wed Apr 14 18:56:57 2004
1)Communal Harmony
3)Transparency of Economy
5)Giving importance to Kolkata

 Name: viveknanavati
Place: mumbai
Age: 30
Date: Wed Apr 14 19:44:09 2004
1)population explosion
5)sex education

5 Issues: What is your view?

India Votes 2004

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Number of User Comments: 3

Sub: Change Education System

1) Change education system, that'll bring end to corruption and social problems 2) Population control 3) Infrastructure 4) Control the Number of Political Parties 5) ...

Posted by Raj

Sub: issues

Population employment generation economic reforms Development of HDI address the issue of gap between haves and have not

Posted by munmun

Sub: dada&dadi bonds

for election

Posted by sk


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