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Will poor English affect my job interview?
Nasha Fitter
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August 30, 2006

It is a rather common problem -- this fear a lot of people have about their language skills affecting their interview. Get Ahead reader Harish from Bangalore wants to know if his grasp of English can affect his chances of getting a good job, while GA reader Avantika wants to make a shift from the IT industry to the BPO industry, but can't explain why.

BPO training/communication consultant Nasha Fitter of Fitter Solutions has answers for both of them. 

Do you have a question for Nasha, too? Ask us!

 "I can speak English, but don't know what happens when I sit in front of an interviewer. Please suggest what you think I should do. I am currently studying for my B.Com. degree and really need a job."

-- Harish 

Dear Harish,

When you sit in front of an interviewer, the last thing you should think about is your English. That will only make you more nervous. This is why it is important to practice your English daily by reading newspapers, magazines and books, and by watching English television shows. Changes in the way you speak will happen on their own if you keep these activities up on a daily basis. 

Showing you are confident during an interview is very important. If you seem confident in your ability to do a certain job, your interviewer will be more confident as well. So, prepare as much as you can before the interview, but, the second you walk in that interviewing room, stop thinking. Instead, concentrate on listening to your interviewer and answering the questions insightfully. If you start thinking about your English and the way you are speaking, you will automatically start making mistakes and look nervous. 

"I have obtained my Master of Computer Applications (MCA) degree and want to make a career in the BPO sector. But, interviewers usually ask me why I want to opt for the BPO industry after six years of studying computers -- first for my BCA, then the MCA. What answer should I give them?

-- Avantika 

Dear Avantika,

If you do not know the answer to this question, I really don't know if you should be seeking a career in the BPO sector. After your MCA, why DO you want to work in the BPO field? Is it because the pay is good? Is it because you will learn to communicate with international customers? Is it because you want to build a long-term career in the BPO space?

We have published many articles on BPO career prospects. Read through some of them and ask yourself if this industry is really for you. You are starting your career. It is important that you make good choices when deciding where to work. And you cannot make a good choice if you are unable to figure out why you want to join a particular industry. 

Do you have a question for Nasha? Write to us!

Nasha Fitter is the CEO of Fitter Solutions, a communication and training company. She is an expert in vocational and communication skills management for BPO and service-based organisations. She is also involved with the upliftment and development of rural youth through basic education, vocational training and entrepreneurship, and writes for a variety of publications. She has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California.

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