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NCM sees no harm in VHP distributing trishuls

Sheela Bhatt in New Delhi | May 06, 2003 00:30 IST

The National Commission for Minorities led by chairman Tarlochan Singh today met Vishwa Hindu Parishad leaders Giriraj Kishore, Pravin Togadia and Dr Surendra Jain to discuss their grouses against the minorities, especially Muslims.

Dr M S Usmani, a member of the NCM, later told reporters, "It is paramount for the minority community to have the sympathy of the majority for peaceful co-existence. The Constitution alone cannot guarantee peace."

Tarlochan Singh said, "The commission wants to maintain harmony in the country and our attempt was to remove the irritants of the majority."

Togadia termed it a 'historic meeting towards peaceful co-existence'.

Singh said the VHP has three major 'irritants'. "The VHP wants minority institutions and leaders to condemn any terrorist attack taking place in India, specially Kashmir. They want strongly worded condemnations from the Muslims.

"The second issue, which was termed a fundamental issue by the VHP leaders, relates to three terms -- kafir (infidel), jihad (holy war), and dar-ul-Islam (place of Islam)."

According to Singh, the VHP leaders said removal of these three words from the dictionary of Islamic theology would ease tensions to a great extent.

The third issue, he said, is to agree that all religions are equal and no religion is closer to God than the others.

The modernisation of madrassas was also discussed. The VHP leaders said merely modernising madrassas would not help as destructive minds can use government-gifted computers for their own evil purposes. Togadia emphasised the need to 'correct' the syllabus which, he claimed, considers Mahmud of Ghazni and Aurangzeb heroes instead of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel.

NCM member Ahmad Rashid Shervani has been asked to look into the VHP's charges against madrassas.

At the meeting, Togadia's trishul distribution programme and the resultant communal tension in some places was also discussed.

Asked the commission's opinion on the subject, Singh avoided giving an answer, but Dr Usmani said, "Trishul is a part of the religious beliefs of Hindus. It is not distributed to fight wars."

He compared the tridents to the kirpans (daggers) of Sikhs. "Sikhs can't be told to not carry kirpans," he pointed out.

Turning to Togadia, who was also present, he added, "The meeting went very well. We told Togadia, shola (fire) nahi shabnam (dew) baniye."

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Number of User Comments: 7

Sub: Good progress but....

Its great to see Muslims coming out and accepting the militant nature of some of the words in the islamic scritps. Eg.g the word Kafir ...

Posted by Agg

Sub: Lets change our attitude not religion

Meeting between VHP and minority comm is a welcome move. However, i would like to comments on sone points. 1.As a muslim i agree that ...

Posted by Yousuf

Sub: Good Beginning

At last the fundamentalists have come forward to accept the reality. What the VHP demands is nothing more than basic requirements. Condemning violence or terrorist ...

Posted by RV

Sub: Misleading Headline

Your headline stating that NCM sees no harm in VHP's trishul distribution programme is entirely misleading. The NCM did not give any such opinion according ...

Posted by Mahesh

Sub: Some Clarification

The three fundamental issue which Mr. Togadia raised relating ISLAM is mis understood by both Muslims and Non-Muslims 1) Kafir - It is an Arabic ...

Posted by Huzaifa Vasaiwala


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