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National Brand Summit 2004

August 19, 2004 14:03 IST

All India Management Association announces the National Brand Summit 2004. The topic at the summit will be Emerging Paradigms in Branding.

Date and Venue:
September 3-6
The Taj Mahal Hotel

The nomination fees per participant
AIMA member: Rs 5,500
Non member: Rs 6,000
Academician: Rs 3,500
MBA student: Rs 2,000

For two-three people:
AIMA member: Rs 5,000
Non member: Rs 5,500
Academician: Rs 3,500
MBA student: Rs 2,000

For four and more:
AIMA member: Rs 4,500
Non member: Rs 5,000
Academician: Rs 3,500
MBA student: Rs 2,000

For more details, please contact:
Sujta Khemka/ Nalin Srivastava/ Bhartendu Singh
All India Management Association
Management House
14 Institutional Area
Lodi Area
New Delhi 110003
Tel: 011.2463.5015/ 2461.7354/55 Extn: 230
Mobile: 98913.62498/ 98105.88231
Fax: 011.2462.6689

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