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February 26, 2004

If you are 18 years old you can vote, get a driver's license, watch an 'A' certificate movie and even get married (the legal age for girls).

But you are still not old enough to enter discotheques, pubs and dance bars, says the Maharashtra government; you need to be at least 21 to do that. Before you scurry around finding alternative hotspots to party in, you could tell the rest of the world what you think of the Maharashtra government's decision.

Does it mean you can't enter a disc to shake a leg and drink a Pepsi?

Does it mean you can't accompany your mom and dad to a restaurant if it serves liquor?

Would those 21 and above be able to better enjoy their evenings out with the teenagers out of the way?



Related Link:
Dance bars? Only if you are over 21

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Number of User Comments: 108

Sub: chronic regulatory disease of indian administration

We always have people among the administrative and enforcement agencies in India who want to squeeze their deals from businesses and the entertainment business is ...

Posted by samson maths

Sub: Government is right

Forget about the age bar. Let's talk about discos. Has anybody ever found peace of mind in a disco? Among all that chaos, smoke, and ...

Posted by ramchandra

Sub: Government is right

Seriously - Because of the people they are. To begin with, it's - effectively - us who have put these people in power. One of ...

Posted by ramchandra

Sub: party

Night clubs are momentary pleasure. Only Spirituality (meditation) will give ever lasting pleasure. No one can explain that pleasure, one has to strive hard to ...

Posted by S KR

Sub: Age for night bars 21

Human psychology is peculiar. The question is raised as to why one has to be 21 to enter a bar, while for voting and driver's ...

Posted by Prof Aggarwala


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