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Oxford University to welcome Bhutanese prince

Shyam Bhatia in London | January 14, 2004 02:20 IST

Oxford University is planning to welcome back Bhutanese Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchick who abandoned his studies last November to fight against Indian militants operating from within his country.

The 19-year-old prince, known to his Oxford friends as "Jigs", joined the 6,000-strong Bhutanese army to evict the United Liberation Front of Asom, the National Democratic Front of Bodoland and the Kamatapur Liberation Organisation.

The militants who had access to shoulder-fired rocket launchers, automatic weapons and land mines were operating from an estimated 20 bases scattered inside Bhutanese territory

"Regardless of who I am, I've taken an oath of allegiance," Jigs was quoted as saying after he quit his history and politics course at St Peter's College.

Following the prince's arrival back in Bhutan, royal court sources explained that he was leading hundreds of militia fighters in 'guarding vital installations such as power plants, development infrastructure, government offices and institutions'.

Now that the war against the Indian separatists has been successfully concluded, Jigs is expected back in Oxford in time for the start of the next academic year in October.

Commenting on Prince Jigyel's antiicpated return, the Master of St Peter's College, Professor Bernard Silverman, said in a statement, "I'm really delighted that Jigyel has completed his military service safely and that he will be back with us next October.

"He gave me a really good impression in the short time he was here and we are looking forward to great things from him."

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