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Bremer sees changes in Iraq plan

January 17, 2004 12:10 IST

The US civilian administrator for Iraq, Paul Bremer, on Saturday said changes will be made in the plan for transfer of power to Iraqis as laid out in a November 15 accord.

"We've always said we're willing to consider refinements and that's something that we will be willing to discuss at the appropriate time," Bremer told reporters after meeting US President George W Bush.

The November plan envisages a transitional assembly and a provisional government.

"We are prepared to see clarifications in the process that was laid out on the November 15th agreement, the ways in
which the selection of the transitional assembly is carried forward," Bremer said.

He said the United Nations has a vital role to play in post-war Iraq.
Bremer will visit the United Nations on Monday for a meeting with Secretary-General Kofi Annan.



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