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Americans divided on use of torture: Poll

May 28, 2004 10:08 IST

While most Americans reject torture as a technique to force suspected terrorists to answer questions about possible future attacks, they are divided on whether less harsh forms of physical abuse should be allowed
to compel uncooperative suspects to reveal information that could save lives.

More than six in 10 -- 63 per cent -- of the public say torture is never acceptable, even in cases in which a suspect is believed to have knowledge of an upcoming terrorist attack.

Slightly more than one in three say torture can be used in some cases, a new poll said.

The US has publicly stated that it does not 'torture' prisoners, though it does use 'stress and duress'. Americans are far more divided on whether lesser forms of physical abuse should be allowed in instances when investigators strongly suspect that the suspect might have information that could help avert a deadly terrorist attack.

Slightly more than half of those interviewed -- 52 per cent -- rejected the use of less extreme forms of physical abuse in order to compel suspects to reveal potentially life-saving information to investigators, while 46 per cent said these tactics are sometimes acceptable, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Among the techniques that a majority of Americans broadly see as acceptable: depriving a suspected terrorist of sleep (66 per cent), keeping a hood on a suspect for long periods of time (57 per cent) and playing loud music or other noises for extended periods (54 per cent).

All of these techniques have reportedly been used in Iraq and elsewhere, sometimes with official approval, to force reluctant suspects to talk to military or government investigators.

But the list of things that Americans reject is even longer, including some techniques featured in photographs and videos that have become the chilling visual record of abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad.

Clear majorities rejected sexually humiliating a suspect (84 per cent), applying electric shocks to a prisoner (82 per cent), threatening to harm members of the suspect's family (80 per cent), holding a a suspect's head under water (78 per cent), forcing the suspect to go naked (74 per cent).

They were also against punching or kicking a suspect (69 per cent), witholding food or water (61 per cent), exposing the suspect to extreme heat or cold (58 per cent) or threatening to shoot the suspect (57 per cent).

Women and lower income Americans were significantly less likely to approve of the strategic use of torture. Looking across age groups, opposition to torture peaked among those aged 65 and older.

Those Americans most concerned about the threat of terrorism were also more willing to use extreme techniques.

A majority (55 per cent) of those who said terrorism would be their top voting issue this November also said they would condone the use of torture against suspected terrorists under certain circumstances.Four in 10 Republicans and nearly as many political independents said torture is sometimes acceptable, a view held by 27 per cent of all Democrats.

An even larger percentage (66 per cent) think that military policy allows for physical abuse of prisoners.


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Sub: Yeah Right!!

And what if American Citizens are at the recieving end of all the above mentioned "Interrogation Techniques". For example captured covert CIA operatives in hostile ...

Posted by Vijay


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