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February 02, 2005

Do you buy or sell porn? Read this

Big flaws in cyber laws

Why treat kids like criminals?

The MMS clip showing two students of a Delhi school indulging in oral sex stirred up a storm and raised some uncomfortable questions recently.

Is society witnessing a degradation of values, which manifests itself in the sort of behaviour exhibited by the students in the case? Who is to blame for this? Technology? Parents?

Or should we blame it on the so-called western influence?

Boy gets bail in misadventure

One basic question is: Should students carry mobile phones?

The Delhi government is of the view that students should not, and has banned them in government schools.

While schools can impose a ban, it does not prevent children from using (or misusing) them elsewhere.

Therefore the bigger question is: Should parents give their children mobile phones? 

On the one hand mobile phones enable near and dear ones be in touch whenever they went, but on the other temptations beckon juvenile users.

Talking about misuse, what is it that a mobile phone can do that a more conventional camera or videocam can't?

So, is the Delhi government order an exercise in futility? Should other states/schools emulate Delhi?

What do you think?

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Number of User Comments: 174

Sub: cell phones

Cell phones are like fire....... If used properly , we can reap many benefits , if misused , can lead to problems.

Posted by amar

Sub: yes

yes mobile phones should not be given to children of gullible age ,besides health risks, children often misuse the technology.

Posted by amar

Sub: mobiles should not be allowed in the schools

Yes ,it is correct that mobiles shoudnot be in schools because they disturb students while attempting their classes. the mobile phone rings ,someone get messages. ...

Posted by Manal bhardwaj

Sub: Ban on cellphones in school

yes...cell phones should be banned in schools. apart from disturing the study atmosphere they serve no better purpose.

Posted by prasad

Sub: phone

Due to the cause of :raping because of chatrooms and using the phone in school to interact with other persons in the chat room and ...

Posted by Amanda


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