Bharatiya Janata Party leader L K Advani attending the evening aarti on Wednesday at the Dwarkadeesh temple, Dwarka. Advani visited the temple prior to flagging off his Bharat Suraksha yatra from Rajkot on Thursday.
He was accompanied by his son, daughter-in-law, wife and daughter, the latter two seen in the picture.
As Advani entered the temple, accompanied by general secretary Ananth Kumar, there was an electricity outage. This was rather ironic, given that the Gujarat government is very proud of its electricity initiatives in the state.
Advani also visited the Shankaracharya Peetha, one of the five maths established by Adi Shankara. Shankaracharya Nischalanand Saraswati was not present.
He will pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi [Images] at his birth place Porbander on Thursday before proceeding on the 6,000-kilometre long yatra, which will conclude on May 10 in New Delhi.
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