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Indian villages not being merged in Bangladesh territory: Govt
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December 13, 2006 14:40 IST

The government on Wednesday trashed reports that several Indian villages located on the Indo-Bangladesh border would now be merged in Bangladesh territory on account of fencing along the international border.

"In fact, no fence has yet been constructed covering some 40 villages from Nanjihi to Dawki and from Dawki to Jayakhola on the Indo-Bangladesh border," Home Minister Shivraj Patil told the Rajya Sabha.

He also stated that India had not received any such claim from Bangladesh. "Any idea of this nature is not a correct position." In this connection, he referred to a meeting between the two countries at the DG level, where it was agreed that fencing construction would be "defensive, not offensive in nature". Patil further informed that fencing along the 4009-km-long Indo-Bangladesh border would be completed next month.

"The fencing work is being carried out in two phases. While the first phase is already complete, work during the second phase is likely to be finished in one month's time," he said.

Because of the difficult geographical and topographical factors, fencing along 200-300 km would still be left, he said, pointing out work on this stretch would be carried out in agreement with Bangladesh to avoid conflict situations.

The minister said the Indian government had taken up with Dhaka the matter regarding construction of fencing in certain patches within 150 meters where some Indian villages may have people residing between the Zero Line and the proposed alignment of fencing.

Gates have been provided at appropriate places for easy movement of inhabitants whose land or houses fall within the fence and the international border, Patil informed the House.

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