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Bush in Baghdad to meet new PM
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June 13, 2006 19:49 IST
US President George W Bush [Images] has arrived in Baghdad on a surprise visit to meet new Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki, and is expected to be in Baghdad for about five hours, reports the BBC.

Bush, who earlier chaired talks in Washington on future policy in Iraq, had been expected to hold a video conference with Maliki, the BBC said.

His visit to Iraq comes less than a week after a US air strike killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of the al Qaeda in Iraq.

His successor, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, has pledged to step up the suicide bombings and beheadings aimed at dislodging the 'occupying forces.' At least 16 people were killed in six separate incidents across the country Tuesday.

Complete coverage: the war in Iraq

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