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On the eve of verdict, a sleepless night for Sanjay Dutt
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November 28, 2006 10:00 IST
Last Updated: November 28, 2006 12:05 IST

Actor Sanjay Dutt [Images], on whom a TADA court in Mumbai will deliver a judgment on Tuesday in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blast case, could not handle the pressure and could not sleep the entire night, a close friend of the actor told

Early Tuesday morning, Dutt is supposed to have told the friend, 'Even sleeping pills are of no use. I am not going to sleep.'

Says his friend, "Every day in the past one month, he would start getting nervous by late afternoon when he slips into his house and has been unable to do anything for the rest of the day."

Other sources corroborated this and said neither alcohol nor sleeping pills are able to calm the actor's nerves.

On Wednesday morning, Dutt is supposed to have wondered to another close friend for the umpteenth time, 'What will happen in my case?'

After the acquittal of one of the people involved in delivering to Dutt and later destroying three AK 56 rifles, his lawyer had said there was still hope for Dutt.

Concludes the friend, "Sanjay is thankful for his fans across the country whose sympathy he has. If he is acquitted, he will go to Vaishno Devi and Ajmer Sharief to thank God."

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